Is hotel a Smoke-free hotel?

Yes, we are.

We are striving to give a comfortable and impressive experience to all of our guests.

Does the hotel allow pets?

Unfortunately, because some of our staff has severe allergic reactions to pets, we cannot accept any.

If you are traveling with your pets, please be sure to choose another hotel to book your room so as not to delay your schedule.

Thank you for your understanding and tolerance.

Does hotel have breakfast?

Our hotel doesn’t have enough space to offer breakfast service. We hope that the hotel’s favorable price differential will be sufficient for you to enjoy a more substantial breakfast in any of the many professional catering services in the vicinity which is much better than the breakfast service provided in hotels.

For the restaurants where serve breakfast near us, please check here.

Does the hotel offer facilities to serve the disabled?

We are very sorry to say that the hotel doesn’t have the required facilities to serve the disabled.

Does the hotel have airport shuttle?

Yes, we do upon your request.

Please contact us at 308-633-8888, thank you.

I am 19-year-old, can I check-in?

Yes, you can.

The primary guest must be at least 18years of age, and present the valid photo identification at the time of check-in.

Does the hotel have swimming pool?

Sorry, we do not have swimming pool service.

If I arrive at the hotel after midnight, when should I check out?

Our check-in time is after 3 pm, check-out time is before 11 am.

For example, if you arrive at 3 am of the 10th, your check-out time is still 11 am of the 10th. However, we are happy to delay your departure until 12 noon to ensure you well rested.

I have 3 days reservation, what if i only need 2 days?

If you are clear at check-in that you only need 2 days accommodation, then we will cancel the 3rd day for you.

If you are not sure whether you need 2 or 3 days, we recommend that you check in for 2 days and then add the 3rd day as needed.

Does the hotel have kitchenette inside the room?

Sorry, we do not, but we provide coffee machine, microwave and mini-refrigerator in the room, and also it is not allowed to cook inside the room.

Thank you very much for understanding.

Can my visitor(s) stay overnight in my room?

If you have the visitor(s) needs to stay overnight in your room, please do the registration formalities at the front desk, while the total number of people cannot exceed the maximum number of people limited to that room type.

Thank you for undertanding.